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2017-07-31 16:07:23
来源:钝角网-《新视角》杂志总第76期(2017年6月) 作者: 《新视角》杂志编辑部
关键词:《新视角》 点击: 次 我要评论






  欧盟安全问题研究所 确保能源联盟:五大支柱与五大区域  9

  侯艾君 中亚犹太人族群与以色列-中亚国家关系  40

  铃木隆(日本) 近年来中国的军事、安全专家的战略认知——以国家利益、地缘战略、“战略边疆”为中心  55


  艾布拉姆斯(美国) 美国大学中的自由主义偏向问题  70

  李月军 行为、制度、结构:三维视角下的辽宁贿选全国人大代表案  75


  伊戈尔·巴里诺夫(俄罗斯) 瓦夫里克博士的三段生活:1914~1956年加利西亚过往的一个神话故事  88

  林纯洁 纹章文化与瑞士联邦的演变历程  110


  吴戈 中国的核沉迷及其影响  123

  马海云(美国) 伊斯兰的名义:“伊斯兰式”社会和“伊斯兰”运动  137

  钱跃君(德国) 第四次工业革命冲击欧美社会  146

  content of issue 76 of the magazine leaders


  9 securing the energy union: five pillars and five regions

  40 jewish ethnic groups in central asia and israel-central asia relations

  55 strategic recognition of chinese military and security experts in recent years: centering on national interests, geopolitics, “strategic frontier”


  70 why colleges’ liberal lean is a problem

  75 an analysis of liaoning’s case of vote buying for being deputies to the national people’s congress: from the perspectives of behavior, institution and structure


  88 three lives of dr. vavryk: explaining one myth from the galicia’s past, 1914-1956

  110 culture of emblems and the evolution of swiss confederation


  123 china’s obsession with nuclear weapons and its impact

  137 in the name of islam: islamicate societies and islamic movements

  146 the impact of the fourth industrial revolution on european and american societies

  summary of issue 76 of the magazine leaders

  securing the energy union: five pillars and five regions

  the borders of the eu are no barriers to cooperating on energy market integration or security improvements, provided that it all takes place among states with harmonising regulatory environments and similar energy goals. creating more harmonised and integrated energy markets in the eu’s neighbours should improve the energy security of both the european union and its partners. those member states facing the east and the south, in particular, are focused on relations with their non-eu neighbours, to minimize downsides and maximise upsides. the energy union is a potentially dynamic mechanism for framing these external relations, even if the frontiers of the energy union may blur as cooperation with these neighbours improves.

  why colleges’ liberal lean is a problem

  consider, from the higher education research institute’s national surveys of faculty members and students, that in 2014, 32 percent of first-year students considered themselves liberal or far left, compared with 60 percent of faculty members. that ratio of faculty-to-student political sentiment has increased since 1989, when the numbers were 24-percent liberal or far-left students to 41-percent for faculty members. that rise must have been at the expense of moderates, for in 1989, as now, there were few conservative faculty members. meanwhile, the portion of the american populace at large that considers itself liberal or far left, 26 percent, is smaller even than that among students and has hardly changed in recent decades — it was 27 percent in 1989.

  three lives of dr. vavryk: explaining one myth from the galicia’s past, 1914-1956

  the political and creative activity of vavryk, in principle, fits into the framework of miroslav hroch’s concept of chronological stages of nationalism. according to him, in stage a, the intellectuals, detached from the general population, begin to learn and study the folk culture; then, in stage b, intellectuals begin to “educate” the people and engage in politics. finally, in the final stage of c, the ideas of nationalism penetrate the population. the first stage, indicated by hroch, the galician “wake-up” passed by the end of the first third of the xix century. the second, stretched for the next hundred years, has not been overcome. in this respect, it is not surprising that vavryk’s poems on artistic merit and semantic content at most remained at the level of the 1870s.



2017-07-31 16:07:23
来源:钝角网-《新视角》杂志总第76期(2017年6月) 作者: 《新视角》杂志编辑部






  欧盟安全问题研究所 确保能源联盟:五大支柱与五大区域  9

  侯艾君 中亚犹太人族群与以色列-中亚国家关系  40

  铃木隆(日本) 近年来中国的军事、安全专家的战略认知——以国家利益、地缘战略、“战略边疆”为中心  55


  艾布拉姆斯(美国) 美国大学中的自由主义偏向问题  70

  李月军 行为、制度、结构:三维视角下的辽宁贿选全国人大代表案  75


  伊戈尔·巴里诺夫(俄罗斯) 瓦夫里克博士的三段生活:1914~1956年加利西亚过往的一个神话故事  88

  林纯洁 纹章文化与瑞士联邦的演变历程  110


  吴戈 中国的核沉迷及其影响  123

  马海云(美国) 伊斯兰的名义:“伊斯兰式”社会和“伊斯兰”运动  137

  钱跃君(德国) 第四次工业革命冲击欧美社会  146

  content of issue 76 of the magazine leaders


  9 securing the energy union: five pillars and five regions

  40 jewish ethnic groups in central asia and israel-central asia relations

  55 strategic recognition of chinese military and security experts in recent years: centering on national interests, geopolitics, “strategic frontier”


  70 why colleges’ liberal lean is a problem

  75 an analysis of liaoning’s case of vote buying for being deputies to the national people’s congress: from the perspectives of behavior, institution and structure


  88 three lives of dr. vavryk: explaining one myth from the galicia’s past, 1914-1956

  110 culture of emblems and the evolution of swiss confederation


  123 china’s obsession with nuclear weapons and its impact

  137 in the name of islam: islamicate societies and islamic movements

  146 the impact of the fourth industrial revolution on european and american societies

  summary of issue 76 of the magazine leaders

  securing the energy union: five pillars and five regions

  the borders of the eu are no barriers to cooperating on energy market integration or security improvements, provided that it all takes place among states with harmonising regulatory environments and similar energy goals. creating more harmonised and integrated energy markets in the eu’s neighbours should improve the energy security of both the european union and its partners. those member states facing the east and the south, in particular, are focused on relations with their non-eu neighbours, to minimize downsides and maximise upsides. the energy union is a potentially dynamic mechanism for framing these external relations, even if the frontiers of the energy union may blur as cooperation with these neighbours improves.

  why colleges’ liberal lean is a problem

  consider, from the higher education research institute’s national surveys of faculty members and students, that in 2014, 32 percent of first-year students considered themselves liberal or far left, compared with 60 percent of faculty members. that ratio of faculty-to-student political sentiment has increased since 1989, when the numbers were 24-percent liberal or far-left students to 41-percent for faculty members. that rise must have been at the expense of moderates, for in 1989, as now, there were few conservative faculty members. meanwhile, the portion of the american populace at large that considers itself liberal or far left, 26 percent, is smaller even than that among students and has hardly changed in recent decades — it was 27 percent in 1989.

  three lives of dr. vavryk: explaining one myth from the galicia’s past, 1914-1956

  the political and creative activity of vavryk, in principle, fits into the framework of miroslav hroch’s concept of chronological stages of nationalism. according to him, in stage a, the intellectuals, detached from the general population, begin to learn and study the folk culture; then, in stage b, intellectuals begin to “educate” the people and engage in politics. finally, in the final stage of c, the ideas of nationalism penetrate the population. the first stage, indicated by hroch, the galician “wake-up” passed by the end of the first third of the xix century. the second, stretched for the next hundred years, has not been overcome. in this respect, it is not surprising that vavryk’s poems on artistic merit and semantic content at most remained at the level of the 1870s.

《新视角》总第76期出版 会员





