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2016-11-23 15:35:53
来源:钝角网 作者: 《领导者》编辑部
关键词:《领导者》 点击: 次 我要评论









  9 美国学者谈美国的亚太政策

  22 张茂荣 李富娟 试析全球能源格局变化及其影响

  34 方亮 近年俄罗斯政局简析

  44 felix heiduk(德国) 渔业与南海冲突

  49 户﨑洋史(日本) 朝鲜核问题与日本的威慑态势:现状与课题


  60 刘工昌 “苏南模式”漫谈


  74 林纯洁 制度的设计与生成:联邦德国的宪法秩序与政治体制

  85 童欣 残缺的现代化:民主德国简史

  104 朱雅莉 1966~1969年朝鲜对华政策研究

  113 李月军 中国传统与当代文武关系模式比较


  136 评《美国外交政策及其智囊》

  content of issue 72 of the magazine leaders


  global affairs

  9 discussions on u.s. policy towards asia-pacific region

  22 analysis of the changes in global energy pattern and the resulting implications

  34 analysis of the recent political developments in russia

  44 the fishing sector and the conflict in the south china sea

  49 north korea’s nuclear issue and japan’s deterrence situation


  60 remarks on the southern jiangsu model


  74 the constitutional order and political system of the federal republic of germany

  85 a brief history of the german democratic republic

  104 a study of north korea’s policy towards china between 1966 and 1969

  113 a comparative study of chinese traditional and contemporary pattern of civil-military relations


  136 symposium on american foreign policy and its thinkers

  summary of issue 72 of the magazine leaders

  discussions on u.s. policy towards asia-pacific region

  the essential assumptions underlying us-china policy have not changed since richard nixon. us is not trying to isolate china—quite the contrary—but trying to draw china into relationships not just with itself, but with the other powers across asia as well, because that’s the only way we are going to achieve an effective long-term regional order in the asia-pacific region. …whether they’re commercial interests or political interests, nobody wants a war with china. it’s not just a question about our different global strategies, but also about our profoundly different views of how societies ought to be organized.

  the fishing sector and the conflict in the south china sea

  however, the fishing sector also offers opportunities for conflict management, which have remained largely unused to this day. the fish resource is transnational, the deposits are finite and fishing plays a central role for food security and employment in all neighboring countries. these aspects open up a possible cooperation area for the parties to the dispute. in order to end the conflict spiral and find new forms of cooperation, the conflict must be placed in a different context: away from territorial claims and legal positionings, towards common interests such as the protection of the sea and its resources. one could take the cooperation in fisheries management and marine research that have been practiced so far as an example. it is common to them that issues of national sovereignty have been suspended and the value of the south china sea as a shared living and economic area has been underlined.

  symposium on american foreign policy and its thinkers

  it is at this point, before the onset of the cold war, that—in taking the dynamic of u.s. capitalism as the framing condition of a far more confident and ambitious foreign policy than the country had ever pursued before, the birth of american grand strategy in a strict sense—my essay most attracts charges of economic determinism: as if reducing, in leffler’s phrase, “washington decision-makers to putty in the hands of nameless capitalists.” the criticism, however, is based on a misreading of its object. for i distinguish, in general, the interests of capital from the interests of the state—any state in any society that can uncontroversially be described as capitalist—and i emphasize the exceptional nature of the disjuncture between them in the case.



2016-11-23 15:35:53
来源:钝角网 作者: 《领导者》编辑部









  9 美国学者谈美国的亚太政策

  22 张茂荣 李富娟 试析全球能源格局变化及其影响

  34 方亮 近年俄罗斯政局简析

  44 felix heiduk(德国) 渔业与南海冲突

  49 户﨑洋史(日本) 朝鲜核问题与日本的威慑态势:现状与课题


  60 刘工昌 “苏南模式”漫谈


  74 林纯洁 制度的设计与生成:联邦德国的宪法秩序与政治体制

  85 童欣 残缺的现代化:民主德国简史

  104 朱雅莉 1966~1969年朝鲜对华政策研究

  113 李月军 中国传统与当代文武关系模式比较


  136 评《美国外交政策及其智囊》

  content of issue 72 of the magazine leaders


  global affairs

  9 discussions on u.s. policy towards asia-pacific region

  22 analysis of the changes in global energy pattern and the resulting implications

  34 analysis of the recent political developments in russia

  44 the fishing sector and the conflict in the south china sea

  49 north korea’s nuclear issue and japan’s deterrence situation


  60 remarks on the southern jiangsu model


  74 the constitutional order and political system of the federal republic of germany

  85 a brief history of the german democratic republic

  104 a study of north korea’s policy towards china between 1966 and 1969

  113 a comparative study of chinese traditional and contemporary pattern of civil-military relations


  136 symposium on american foreign policy and its thinkers

  summary of issue 72 of the magazine leaders

  discussions on u.s. policy towards asia-pacific region

  the essential assumptions underlying us-china policy have not changed since richard nixon. us is not trying to isolate china—quite the contrary—but trying to draw china into relationships not just with itself, but with the other powers across asia as well, because that’s the only way we are going to achieve an effective long-term regional order in the asia-pacific region. …whether they’re commercial interests or political interests, nobody wants a war with china. it’s not just a question about our different global strategies, but also about our profoundly different views of how societies ought to be organized.

  the fishing sector and the conflict in the south china sea

  however, the fishing sector also offers opportunities for conflict management, which have remained largely unused to this day. the fish resource is transnational, the deposits are finite and fishing plays a central role for food security and employment in all neighboring countries. these aspects open up a possible cooperation area for the parties to the dispute. in order to end the conflict spiral and find new forms of cooperation, the conflict must be placed in a different context: away from territorial claims and legal positionings, towards common interests such as the protection of the sea and its resources. one could take the cooperation in fisheries management and marine research that have been practiced so far as an example. it is common to them that issues of national sovereignty have been suspended and the value of the south china sea as a shared living and economic area has been underlined.

  symposium on american foreign policy and its thinkers

  it is at this point, before the onset of the cold war, that—in taking the dynamic of u.s. capitalism as the framing condition of a far more confident and ambitious foreign policy than the country had ever pursued before, the birth of american grand strategy in a strict sense—my essay most attracts charges of economic determinism: as if reducing, in leffler’s phrase, “washington decision-makers to putty in the hands of nameless capitalists.” the criticism, however, is based on a misreading of its object. for i distinguish, in general, the interests of capital from the interests of the state—any state in any society that can uncontroversially be described as capitalist—and i emphasize the exceptional nature of the disjuncture between them in the case.

《领导者》总第72期出版 会员





