中日学者对话:朝鲜半岛核问题 9
专访韦德宁:海湖庄园会晤、朝鲜以及中情局的工作 44
葛来仪(美国) 海湖庄园峰会提升美中关系 48
美国学者谈美国的对外政策 50
高桥千鹤子:日共对和平、劳工权益与缩小贫富差距的追求 57
宫川典子:中日需加深民间交流与理解 61
菊田真纪子:十五年前的中日关系是现在不可想象的 66
杜懋之(法国) 中国的东海政策:与日本开展危机管控机制谈判的作用(2008~2015年) 72
michal makocki(波兰) nicu popescu(罗马尼亚) 中国与俄罗斯:正在形成之中的东方伙伴关系? 84
甄鹏 波黑高级代表制的政治和法律考察 113
于洪君 阿尔巴尼亚告诉你:什么是扭曲而异化的社会主义 119
王洪起 “一带一路”:马其顿的机遇与安全风险分析 129
刘丹 中美未来的海洋危机可否管控——2016年“水下无人潜航器事件”的回顾与评析 139
裴毅然 切·格瓦拉现象的背后 143
邹思聪 怪异的近代中日关系:从日本引入“民族”的中国与“帮助”中国革命的日本 151
content of issue 75 of the magazine leaders
9 sino-japanese symposium on north korean nuclear issue
44 interview with dennis wilder on mar-a-lago meeting, north korea and strategic trust
48 mar-a-lago summit boosts u.s.-china ties
50 american scholars on american foreign policy
57 japanese female mps on japanese domestic and foreign policy
72 china’s policy in the east china sea: the role of crisis management mechanism negotiations with japan (2008-2015)
84 china and russia: an eastern partnership in the making?
113 discussion on high representative for bosnia and herzegovina: political and legal perspectives
119 distorted and alienated socialism in albania
129 one belt, one road: an analysis of opportunities and security risks in republic of macedonia
139 on the manageability of future maritime crisis between china and u.s.
143 behind the che guevara phenomenon
book review
151 on wang ke’s nationalism and modern sino-japanese relations
summary of issue 75 of the magazine leaders
mar-a-lago summit boosts u.s.-china ties
whether the new architecture will help to solve problems in the bilateral relationship will depend in part on whether the chinese and american interlocutors are designated presidential envoys and empowered to make deals. according to xi jinping, a new dialogue mechanism will be established between the two countries joint staffs of the armed forces. this will likely supplement the existing military dialogues, including the defense consultative talks and numerous other dialogue platforms.
china’s policy in the east china sea: the role of crisis management mechanism negotiations with japan (2008-2015)
china tried to use the negotiations to consolidate the gains that had been achieved – from beijing’s perspective – through the unprecedented explosion in the number of patrols by law-enforcement agencies since the end of 2012.
this analysis suggests that china’s approach to crisis management and confidence-building is overly determined by the search for political gain and is not sufficiently linked to a goal defined in terms of security; the risk of military incident is clearly not the main determinant of china’s overall approach to negotiations with japan and was never successfully isolated as an independent variable that should be addressed separately.
china and russia: an eastern partnership in the making?
both powers want a bigger share of global influence, but their strategies for achieving that are diametrically opposed. even if both china and russia share a passion for geopolitical constructs, geopolitics occupies different places in the hierarchies of ideas in moscow and beijing. for russia, economics matters, but it is subordinated to geopolitics. in china – even though geopolitical considerations have been gaining ground, geo-economic thinking still takes precedence. that is partly a reflection of how the two countries fit into globalisation.
中日学者对话:朝鲜半岛核问题 9
专访韦德宁:海湖庄园会晤、朝鲜以及中情局的工作 44
葛来仪(美国) 海湖庄园峰会提升美中关系 48
美国学者谈美国的对外政策 50
高桥千鹤子:日共对和平、劳工权益与缩小贫富差距的追求 57
宫川典子:中日需加深民间交流与理解 61
菊田真纪子:十五年前的中日关系是现在不可想象的 66
杜懋之(法国) 中国的东海政策:与日本开展危机管控机制谈判的作用(2008~2015年) 72
michal makocki(波兰) nicu popescu(罗马尼亚) 中国与俄罗斯:正在形成之中的东方伙伴关系? 84
甄鹏 波黑高级代表制的政治和法律考察 113
于洪君 阿尔巴尼亚告诉你:什么是扭曲而异化的社会主义 119
王洪起 “一带一路”:马其顿的机遇与安全风险分析 129
刘丹 中美未来的海洋危机可否管控——2016年“水下无人潜航器事件”的回顾与评析 139
裴毅然 切·格瓦拉现象的背后 143
邹思聪 怪异的近代中日关系:从日本引入“民族”的中国与“帮助”中国革命的日本 151
content of issue 75 of the magazine leaders
9 sino-japanese symposium on north korean nuclear issue
44 interview with dennis wilder on mar-a-lago meeting, north korea and strategic trust
48 mar-a-lago summit boosts u.s.-china ties
50 american scholars on american foreign policy
57 japanese female mps on japanese domestic and foreign policy
72 china’s policy in the east china sea: the role of crisis management mechanism negotiations with japan (2008-2015)
84 china and russia: an eastern partnership in the making?
113 discussion on high representative for bosnia and herzegovina: political and legal perspectives
119 distorted and alienated socialism in albania
129 one belt, one road: an analysis of opportunities and security risks in republic of macedonia
139 on the manageability of future maritime crisis between china and u.s.
143 behind the che guevara phenomenon
book review
151 on wang ke’s nationalism and modern sino-japanese relations
summary of issue 75 of the magazine leaders
mar-a-lago summit boosts u.s.-china ties
whether the new architecture will help to solve problems in the bilateral relationship will depend in part on whether the chinese and american interlocutors are designated presidential envoys and empowered to make deals. according to xi jinping, a new dialogue mechanism will be established between the two countries joint staffs of the armed forces. this will likely supplement the existing military dialogues, including the defense consultative talks and numerous other dialogue platforms.
china’s policy in the east china sea: the role of crisis management mechanism negotiations with japan (2008-2015)
china tried to use the negotiations to consolidate the gains that had been achieved – from beijing’s perspective – through the unprecedented explosion in the number of patrols by law-enforcement agencies since the end of 2012.
this analysis suggests that china’s approach to crisis management and confidence-building is overly determined by the search for political gain and is not sufficiently linked to a goal defined in terms of security; the risk of military incident is clearly not the main determinant of china’s overall approach to negotiations with japan and was never successfully isolated as an independent variable that should be addressed separately.
china and russia: an eastern partnership in the making?
both powers want a bigger share of global influence, but their strategies for achieving that are diametrically opposed. even if both china and russia share a passion for geopolitical constructs, geopolitics occupies different places in the hierarchies of ideas in moscow and beijing. for russia, economics matters, but it is subordinated to geopolitics. in china – even though geopolitical considerations have been gaining ground, geo-economic thinking still takes precedence. that is partly a reflection of how the two countries fit into globalisation.